Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I've Been Behind-Sorry

Sorry I've been behind with the holidays as you can understand, I'm sure. I haven't determined a winner yet of the contest, and haven't passed on my new Butterfly award or posted that yet, but will after Christmas! Thanks for your patience,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Christmas Contest From ME! Free Ornament!

Win this set! Three winners! The first place receives this polyclay ornament and gift tag, the second receives 100 EC credits from me. The third receives fifty (50) EC credits from me.

It's the green reindeer (without a nose) and a red TO gift tag. The reindeer has a yellow cord, and the red, Christmas tree shaped TO gift tag has a white cord.
The second picture is of the back sides.
The reindeer measures: 2 3/8" w x 3" l

Yes, a free ornament! It's simple to do. Go to my shop at
and have a look around. I'm gradually uploading more ornaments so check in everyday until the contest is over. There are a few more ornaments in the post below this one. It starts NOW as you are reading this and runs through until December 19, just after my daughter's birthday! (She turns nine-growing so fast)!
You get an entry for posting a comment here about which one(s) are your favorite(s) and why-you know the per day if you'd like. I will put the names in a hat-one per day per entry. You also get ten (10) entries for writing about this on your blog. Put it in your comment here, where your blog is so I can check it out or I can't know to give you proper credit!
When you win, you get this ornament and TO gift tag.

Polymer Clay Ornaments Are Ready For Sale!!! FREE SHIPPING on two or more..!

My polymer clay ornaments are done and partly loaded onto Etsy at or click on my Etsy mini towards the bottom of this page. I also have ones that erase!
Yep, they erase pencil on paper. Check them out-they're sea life shapes.


Remember, these are good for years to come, and make good gifts too for those who enjoy Christmas decor, which is most everyone! Or, why not start someone special out on a collection today of unique Christmas pieces? They can hang anywhere with their cords too, not just for the tree! And the Christian art pieces (more on that later) are good all year round.

All the polymer clay shapes have a nice
polyurethane gloss added to them for a good shine, on both sides (except for the erasable shapes as that would ruin them).

The multi-colored tree is a mirage of color for your tree or wall or wherever color is needed this season! It has a lavender cord.

The red and green decoration says on the front, "Christmas blessings." It is red and green on the back also. It has a red cord.

The angel is multi-colored on both sides and has a pink cord. Doesn't she look great on the tree?

The green and lavender ornament or wall plaque says on the front, "Praise the Lord, sun and moon, Praise Him, all you shining stars." It has a moon and a couple of stars on it also. The cord is lavender.

The red and brown ornament says on the front,
"Hark the herald angels sing" and has a couple of angels on it, the first with a trumpet as you can see. The back is on my Etsy shop, as well as a pix of it on the tree so you can see how it would look on your tree! The cord is gold ribbon. It is available in green tones also, shown at the Etsy shop.

Rudolph there has a red nose on both sides, as well as a smile to light his path! He is also available in brown tones similar to the green mixture. He has a yellow cord.

There are plenty more at my shop, and I'm in the process of loading up more. I also have some
package or gift tags that say "To" and "From" on them in the shapes of hearts, trees and circles or just odd shapes. You really have to see them! There is some more Christian art too, like pixes of Jesus standing and mini wall plaques or tree ornaments that say, "Jesus is my hero."

Now, go read about the contest I'm holding and advertising!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cooking Today + My Clay Ornaments

Hi. Someone commented that it sounds as though I get serious migraines. I DO. However, I use Imitrex and sometimes samples of Trimitex from my doctor. I'm only in trouble if I run out of my Imitrex which happened a couple days before Halloween. My hubby's daughter-in-law took my daughter tick-or-treating, with her son, so thankfully that worked out OK. I have enough Imitrex to get through tomorrow too (Thanksgiving) so I'm good, then I get more on Friday, thankfully! I'll probably need it after cooking today.
Yes, I'm cooking today. I decided to clean the frig. out today, then do the main dishes, like potatoes and dressing, etc., because I don't want to have to do it all on Thanksgiving day. Plus I plan to watch the Macy's Day parade this year, and NOT miss it like usual! We have no recorder so I have to catch it live. I plan to for sure this year! Besides, we're only doing the basics this year as far as dinner is concerned. Not a ton of dishes, just the basic Thanksgiving fare, that will make it easier. Rick always makes "Pink Stuff" as we call it (fancy name, huh?), it is just cottage cheese and whipped cream with cherry jello. Our almost 9 year old daughter loves it. So do I. We may get a Marie Callender's chocolate pie too, as they are on sale, instead of making one, not sure yet. Everything else is easy fix-like gravy, cranberry sauce, the usual side I'm set.

Now, as for my crafts-my Christmas ornaments. Well, I put on a new varnish I had never used before and apparently put a bit too much! So, after 2 days they're still drying! Geez, I won't do that again! But they're dry enough to get shots of, which I hope to begin today and post a few on my Etsy shop. It's a start at least now that it's only a month til Christmas. We put the tree up early this year-it's already up! It's just a four-foot fake tree that Rick had bought a couple years ago, but it will do. We left it partly undone, so I can hang my ornaments on and take shots of them on it. Then we'll finish it. There's plenty of time to finish it, so no worries there.
Well, that's enough for one post. Thanks for reading and dropping!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting My Crafts (Polymer Clay Ornaments) Done...

Hi-I hopefully I will have some nice shots of my latest creations for you by next week. I am ready to put the ribbons into the holes (they are ornaments with holes on top for hanging), then one more coat of polish and it's done. Then the photos. That part takes awhile. But it will get done. FINALLY!
So, are you shopping for Thanksgiving dinner yet? We have some stuff, but not all, and not the Turkey-not enough room in the freezer which is very small! It will come in time though, so we're certainly not worried. This year, my hubby is on call for his company (sucky I know) and his boys are having dinner with their wives' families, so it looks like we'll be having a dinner for three unless something changes before then. Oh well, it's doable. We usually cook us a little dinner anyway, just to have turkey and side dish left overs for awhile! They're great-I especially love the home made dressing, from bread crumbs and celery! I miss my mom's dressing, but they live almost four hours away and we can't go because Rick's on call. That's life. Hopefully for Christmas, we'll go there and celebrate with them and my brother, his two kids, and my 21 yr. old son.
Yesterday, at the apartment complex, we had dinner at the clubhouse, near the office. It was a potluck for everyone-they provided the turkey and ham. It was great with all the different side dishes-just like a smorgasbord! Sort of like a "pre-Thanksgiving Dinner!" Then us three played "Mexican Train"-a domino game. We really like dominoes.
Well, until I post again, take care,

Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Contest
This is a link to a contest for Hallmark-for adhesive wrapping paper and a greeting card. In her post, she describes some good products Hallmark has out, including the "No Peeking Bag" and others! Sounds great!
So if you want to enter the contest, just go to the link and check it out!

A Recommended Blog To Read...
I decided to put up this link because there are some good articles that everyone who enjoys polymer clay should take a look at. There are many good sources out there of course, but I enjoy this blog which is currently discussing two timely topics: the right type of clay to use, and using
what are called "Inclusions." Inclusions are things you add to the clay before baking. Such as foils, etc. She wrote these articles very well and they are well worth reading. I will start bringing other blogs to you as well that have interesting things in conjunction with polymer clay. So, in the meantime, go on over and take a look at this good blog. And if you comment, tell them Plumuniq's sent you-she knows who I am!
Well, it's time to blog again-OK-past time!
Anyway, I finally got to my Christmas goodies! Yeah for me! That is to say that I sanded most of my clay holiday ornaments, including my "To" and "FROM" Christmas tree shaped tags, and polished them. I even sprayed a few rounds of polyurethane on them. They look sooo good shiny! I am out of Future With Pledge, which many of us polymer clay enthusiasts use on our finished pieces, and can't afford it right now, so I'm using the spray that I have. It works well too.
Once they're all sprayed, I'll attach ribbons into each one with which to hang them. They can be hung on a tree or a wall, either way.
There are phrases and pictures, such as the Madonna and Child. Some are Scriptural phrases, and others are just holiday phrases, and there are even a couple of just silly phrases-for the fun of it!
I even made a bunch of Christmas tree shapes to put into bracelets for girls or women. I think they will turn out nicely.
Now I know it's getting closer and closer to Christmas, that's why I'm hurrying this. As long as there is a good two weeks for shipping (shouldn't take that long really) and time for people to see them, I'm not worried. I have every intention of getting these done by this weekend at the latest. So that gives me about a month to have them on Etsy. If there's time, I'll complete the buttons and sea shell life also and add on.
I also sanded and buffed my erasable clay creations. Most of them are sea life. Some fit on pencils. These can't be sprayed for obvious reasons! My daughter sure loves these...she claimed a few for herself. She always claims a few of my newest batches for herself!
Speaking of my daughter (who's 9 in December, on the 17th), she loves making clay things. She's been lately getting into my clay and just creating away, and she makes the most awesome things for such a youngster! The cutest little people and little toys. Some time I may give her a corner in my Etsy shop to sell a few of her things (at a fair price of course). She'd be so proud if she sold something-so would dad and I!
Well, that's enough for today. Catch you again soon, when I have some pixes of the finished pieces-who knows, they may be mounted on an artificial tree!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God Bless All The Soldiers!

Well, this is late, and so am I on my posting this month, but I am still unpacking and working on my Christmas goodies for sale (my polymer clay goodies, that is-treats don't come until late November, around Thanksgiving time)!
Anyway, most of the unpacking is done, thanks to my husband, who is so helpful-he knows it's hard for me having fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease (and spinal arthritis, etc.), with migraines. It all gets hard at times. But my crafts keep me going-well, that is, after my husband and daughter.
So, I wanted to say a big thanks to all the soldiers past and present for keeping us safe here in our land. We have so much to be thankful for. Americans are the richest people on the earth, bar none, and we should all be thankful, even the most poverty stricken amongst us are rich compared to so many overseas and in S. American homes, especially countries that are in Africa and such areas.
If you are a parent of a soldier, then God bless you too, as you go through it with that son or daughter. I am so thankful my 21 yr. old son is not a soldier-I don't think right now I could handle that. Maybe because I've been through so much, but I just know it would be tougher for me than him I think!
Anyway, God bless all soldiers, no matter what gender or what war fought in! Thank you from me and my family!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Something To Think About...

Here's something to think about:
I've been off-blogging again... just laying around, doing nothing No moving, no trips to Texas, no unpacking, in fact no housework for 3 1/2 days-sound nice? ...ahh, probably does sound great, until you realize it was because I had a migraine. NOT so nice! I was out of Imitrex and couldn't afford to pay out cash (almost 35.00) for one. Too much. It was that or the hospital, and I've been in the ER too many times. 4-8 hours of waiting til it's all done, and you don't feel like it's completely gone when they're done. They give you something to calm it down, not even Imitrix, or the new stuff by the makers of Imitrex. So you still have to rest another day to get over it. Better than the original pain though..
But the ice never lasts long enough in the waiting room. Ice bags that is. I bring in a baggie of ice
to keep over the pain-it's the only thing that keeps the pain minimized! The ONLY thing. Massaging my neck with the Shiatsu 100 helps too (the migraine comes from the neck). But after around 2-2 1/2 hours the ice melts, unless I'm lucky enough to get a nurse who refills it or better yet, they have an ice-machine there in the lobby like a couple I've been in. And of course neck pillow is essential-you have to lie down with these buggers-there's no sitting or standing up with them.
So, if you're one of the lucky people that have never felt a migraine-here's a brief, not really accurate description. It's like a flaming hot knife being twist tortuously under one eye, while the rest of the area around the eye and behind it are pounding/hurting in conjunction. A brain-freeze x 10. All taunting you at once, saying, "You can't do anything about it!" Plus, the pain causes you be sleepy-a natural reaction to the body when there is so much severe pain going on. Often, it causes the stomach to be ill too or at least somewhat nauseas. At least I do have some medication for that particular symptom.
So, for 3 days and nights, (unless I'm lucky and get the 4 day vacation) that's all it is. All day and night, changing the ice-bag every 2-3 hours and getting back to sleep. Sometimes lying on the couch in the evenings to hear the TV, for something different to do. And wouldn't you think the other medication I take for fibromyalgia would do any good for this. NO. It doesn't. It may a bit, but doesn't get rid of it-only time or Imitrex can. They say caffeine does too. But I don't feel like coffee when I'm that sick. I used to take pills loaded with multiple cups of caffeine in them-for headaches-and they helped some, but I hated the side effects, and they didn't do enough good anyway-so no thanks to that option.
So, if you do read this blog, now you know why I went on an "off-post binge" again, and the probably will be the main reason-illness of one form or another-when I do again. Hopefully, not often. I know-I am a Christian-and should be stronger in belief in healing-but it's hard when you've had these conditions for years and years, and it's taken years to get someone/anyone to believe you in the first place, must less treat you or help you.
If there were a cure for what I have-and someone said, "Here, you can either have a cure with NO more headaches and NO more neck/head pain-no more pain anywhere-no more tiredness-no more bi-polar, OR a million bucks," guess which I'd choose, in a snap!
Just sayin' -something to think about in your own life I suppose.
PS_If you've had a migraine at a rotten time in life, let me know about it! I had one right after my daughter was born (who's near 9 now). Turned out I had to get a "blood patch" put in my spine by the anesthesiologist. Until then, I couldn't lift my neck or even feed her. They thought I didn't want to bond, until one nurse figured it out. I got the patch the same day we went home! So, what's your story about migraines?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Child's Christmas Wish List

Well, has the child/ren in your life submitted their Christmas lists yet? Mine sure has! My 8 (soon to be 9) yr. old daughter has BEEN giving her list for awhile now. She recently wrote it down just to make sure that mom and dad wouldn't miss a thing this year! Not that it will be filled down to the letter, doubtful, but we'll try to at least get some of what is on it. Like any typical child, every time there's a commercial for a toy, she points it out with, "I want that." That phrase is getting old in our apartment lately!
So, some of the things on her list? Littlest Pet Shop Digital Planner, Nintendo DS and game or Gameboy (a biggie), Fur Real stuffed dog or cat, a microscope with a science kit, Pixols (not sure of spelling-a craft kit on TV), one of those electronic flying planes (she's a little bit of a tomboy), and much more. Those are the priority ones.
Well, we'll do our best as the money comes in. Hopefully, I'll get my polymer clay crafts done and sell several to help out with that.
Anyway, I was thinking today that most kids have a wishlist (so do adults). But the most important thing a child can have is love and respect. By respect, I mean allowing them to speak what they are thinking without getting down on them and giving them room to grow in their own way. Of course, they need guidance, but sometimes we parents micromanage our kids so much we don't give them room to think and discover answers on their own. They will make mistakes, but so did we-so DO we, as adults. That's how we all learn.
Well, that's it for now. Hope your child's or children's wish list/s goes well for you. Above all, I hope you give plenty of love and respect to your child/ren, as I'm sure you do.

Monday, October 27, 2008
That is the URL of a wonderful blog that I hope you visit. Why? Well, besides being a great blog, this wonderful woman made me a 125x125 ad for my Entrecard that is just terrific! I did have a generic EC green one.
Best part is, I didn't even ask! She did this as a gift, from the willingness of her own heart. I truly think people could/would pay her for doing this-she is very talented. I don't want her to get inundated with requests for free ads since I wrote this, because that wouldn't be fair to her (unless she wants to of course), but I wanted to give her the recognition she deserves!
I honestly could not pay for an ad at this point; she didn't know that, but God did. I paid some EC credits once to someone to do an ad, who never came through for me, so that failed. But God knows what we need and what we want. I believe God sent Sweet Mummy to do this for me, because He knew I needed a better ad and wanted one as well.
She put a polymer clay piece I made on the ad, with a red background. It looks very pretty. The red background is some fabric I shot the piece on-and it works in the ad very well. This post is being written out of thankfulness, not a sponsored ad or anything like that. And she didn't ask for anything in return-very humble, I'd say.
So, what a "sweet" surprise to find this waiting for me in my comment section and in my message box on EC! With that, thanks Sweet Mummy, you're the best! God bless,

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Great Site To Check Out For Coaches...

This post is a little different. It's NOT a sponsored post, just one I'm writing on my own. It's about a great web site I know of called What is it you ask? Well, let me tell you!
You know those sites like, where they match you up to employment? Well, this site is similar, only it's for Coaches and sports administrators only! There are about 7 or so jobs added each day of the business week, in various states (and an occasional International job post). The staff does most of the posts, though people are welcome to sign up as employers and add their own posts as well.
How much does it cost? It's free! Yes, free to check it out. To get full details, it's only 19.95 for the first account level. You can't beat that in these economic times. So, if you know a Coach or sports admin, or are one yourself, looking for a job, check it out! You'll be glad you did!
BTW, if you are a entering coach, or know of one, or a "wannabe," there are often entry level jobs posted, or for those with little experience, especially with Middle Schools, and sometimes at colleges looking for someone enrolled in college in a sports degree.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back To Crafting Soon...

This is a quick post. Just to say that since this is to be a blog about claying (and other things, apparently), I am going to get back into the claying game here soon-I'm determined! Of course, soooo many boxes left unpacked, but that's OK. I'm not rushing-I have fibromyalgia and rushing is NOT a good thing for me. Taking it easy IS. So, that's how it is. The day to day things are getting done, and that's good. I have Christmas things all made, just need to sand and polish, plus string a few Christmas bracelets together, and that's that. I can be done by November if I try hard enough, or shortly thereafter anyway. The boxes WILL get unpacked as the days go on, I'm not worried. So, when I do get back to crafting (OR unpacking boxes-LOL), you'll be the first to know.

A Terrific Contest I Found...
What 's this address for? Well, it's to get me some entries in a contest I saw! A very wonderful contest in fact-and you can get entries too, by going there and doing the same, or just commenting or whatever you choose. It's easy to do...there are many great prizes, so check it out! You'll be glad you did!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Well, we finally got moved-whew! In ONE week folks, we packed and moved. Talk about tiring.
But we have a bigger place now, which is great! Our daughter so needed her own room, and she is in "My Room" Heaven right now! Plus our room is sooo much larger than the former master room. And that extra bath is great too! Well, you know how it is when you upgrade.
The ONLY thing that went wrong is with the cable system. We had it transferred the day we moved. Great. NOT. That day the guy said the signal was weak, but it worked. That night, (Sat.), some of the channels were not working so well. Then, on Monday night went the internet. I work on the internet, at, a coaching employment matching site. I called the cable company. We got an appointment for Wednesday. Wednesday morning, the tech called saying the whole complex was down (they have a contract with this company most likely), and they would fix it Friday morning. FRIDAY! What choice was there? That's the last time I trust a cable company.
I am in the office today typing this, on the FOLLOWING Saturday. Now, they say it's our apartment and it will be Sunday before they can fix it. Great. So, I emailed my boss to let him know what's happening, and do this blog and a little Entrecard dropping, after my work was caught up. On top of it all, the office Manager tells me the cable wasn't out in the office this week. My fault, I should've called the office to check on it myself. That's what you get when you don't check yourself!
But, at least I got a lot put away in the apartment! We had my husband's grandson over on Monday, visiting my daughter (she's 8 and he's 6)-they were out of school last week), and in one day I got the kitchen set up. Thankfully, the food was already put up. Well, all except a TON of glasses and mugs that we unearthed, that were in storage in Texas. But, those are all clean and put away now. Whew! Now, if only someone could tell me where to put all those books and folders we have found! We sooo need another bookshelf! Oh well, the joys of moving!

Friday, October 10, 2008

On The Road Again!

On the road again! Yep, we're moving! We just got our "stuff" from Texas recently (like a couple weeks ago), and now we're moving! Yikes, a busy month! Well, this was a most sudden move too.
Last weekend, we were discussing how tired we were of not having enough space (under 800 sq. ft), and needed more, but funds are tight right now. We drove by a couple of apartment complexes that this company owns (and my hubby works for), and like one of them. The next day he dropped in to talk to the manager, whom he knows already, and the price on a couple of apartments had been reduced to a price nearly what we pay now (well, not much more anyway-with his discount)!
Plus, the gas, water and trash come for a small fee. So, here are. It was open this weekend, so we hurriedly packed everything up. A lot was packed from Texas already, of course, a lot was still left.
Whoo, what a rush!
So, this will be a busy week, but well worth it. It's upstairs, which I wasn't sure I'd like, with having fibromyalgia and all, but I figure the climbing will be good exercise. Plus, the view is really cool too.
Well, I have to go get something packed or cleaned or whatever, but first, a nice bowl of ice-cream to celebrate what I've accomplished so far!

Monday, September 29, 2008

We Made The Trip To Texas-And It Was Fast!

Well, it's been awhile, so here goes! We made the trip to Texas, (from Tucson, AZ) and wow was it a fast one! We left on Saturday evening (ended up pulling over at midnight for a 3 hour snooze), and then returned on Tuesday morning!
We couldn't afford a motel as gas costed more than we'd estimated. So, we stayed at the house the first night. Yep, with no electric or water. We brought in some water, and visited a friend's house until time for bed. We had an air mattress set up and waiting so that everything was prepared, thankfully! Our friends lent us a nice lantern to light things up too. The next night, we stayed at our friend's house. They did invite us the first night, but felt like that was too much and we'd already set things up. It was nice to have a home-cooked meal and a shower though, I'll admit!
We got our furniture before the renter's moved in, and our things from the storage room. WOW! We had way too much for a 6 x 12 U-Haul trailer and a pick-up truck, (including the back cab-our daughter sat in the middle in the front), so we had to leave a few things behind. Some went to a charity. Unfortunately, we had to leave two beautiful chairs-oh, well. At least we got the best stuff, including the larger, HD TV. We were using my older TV, NOT HD and just before we left a piece broke off that which caused "snowy" pictures, so it's a good thing we got the "new" old one just in time. It was good to get some things we've been needing too.
It's a little hard to explain, but my x (and daughter as he had custody) were separated until last September. For four long years. We gradually began talking more and more on the phone until we reached up to 4 hour conversations (5 a couple times). Well, we never talked that much when we were married before! So, we reunited. I was living in 5,000 ft. high Prescott Valley, about 4 hours from Tucson. So, I came to him, since he makes the living. I just work PT on the computer for a web site called "" It's a good site, BTW, if you know a coach or sports admin who needs a job, send them our way! I put in most of the jobs, just so you know.
Anyway, I'm trying to do some of those paid-for-posting things, just awaiting some approvals and getting set-up on another blog. Hopefully that will help out also. I have fibromyalgia and bi-polar, so working outside the home is very difficult.
Anyway, back to the stuff. He had accumulated a lot of stuff in that four years on his own. He moved to Texas, God only why-well, he basically did it because his parents moved there-then they left, back to Ca. after he left-and it was only for awhile, less than a year that he lived there. So when he came to Tucson, he brought very little, thinking he was only "visiting" his sons and me. He stayed, thank God. But the stuff was there in the house he'd purchased. His parents finished some repairs on the house after he left. They also packed up the stuff he'd left. The tenants that rented the place also rented the furniture. But the new tenants are not renting the furniture and we wanted it back, besides. After all, he's still paying on it! It's very pretty sofa and love seat-off-white color, kind of suede-like. Plus, a wonderful dining room table with chairs, the table was actually hand made and a gift from someone in the years back when we lived in Prescott Valley as a family together. Very heavy wood, with built-in leaves. Plus a glass end-table. Also, some nice things in the storage, like the eagle-table (glass top) and such...
So, whew, when we woke up on Wednesday morning, it was hot here and we had a lot of unloading to do! Well, Rick did most of it-I can carry only so much weight. We kept Tamara out of school since no one wanted to wake up too early that morning, as we'd gotten in late the night before, past midnight. And even, then, Rick and I unloaded most of the truck that night before going to sleep! Of course, he was up WAY earlier than me unloading the U-Haul!
We still have one item in the truck, the dining room table. It took us this long to get things situated to make room for it! There are boxes stacked in one corner of our small apartment, if you can picture that! They will be there until we move, trust me.
My crafting items are now more organized anyway, which is good, into a dresser in the dining room area, and some plastic shelves. It's nice to know just where everything is. That is except the tole paints and professional colored pencils Rick "packed" up. Yep, he packed up a few of my art things, but I'll survive, as long as I have all my clay items and some sewing stuff (some sewing got packed) where I can get to them safely. And I can, so I'm a happy camper.
Well, gotta go-have some Entrecard dropping to do. I'm saving my credits for a mass ad campaign as soon as I get my web site going. Thinking of doing a web site more for kids and moms, called "" I already have the domain name registered. Just have to get the host in order.
I think I have one, so that's good. Just need the time, energy and patience now. Who knows, I may promote this one more though, when I get my polymer clay Christmas items done, which I hope is soon. Every day is different for me with fibromyalgia, I never know if I'll feel like doing much or not. But I know the Christmas shopping season is NOW and I feel the urge to hurry, so that is important to me. So stay on the lookout for my Christmas items-I have TO and FROM tags in the shape of trees, cute phrases for Christmas and so on. They will have ribbons tied through them for hanging also.
Take care as always,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Christian Book Give-Away

Please visit this blog. There you will find a wonderful book give-away! It's a terrific Christian
fiction book, in a horror/mystery genre. You need only comment to be in the drawing!
Tara, the blog owner reviews books and does these wonderful give-aways. It is truly a blessing...
So, go check it out!

Friday, September 19, 2008

On To Texas For A Few Days!

Well, it's been awhile since posting, but this must be quick as I'm preparing to go to Texas. I know after that hurricane that probably sounds a bit quirky, but this is nowhere near that area. It's near San Angelo-actually, it's Robert Lee, a little tiny town in the middle of nowhere'sville!
We have furniture we have to remove from a house before tenants move in, and things in storage to retrieve, so thus the journey begins. We really can't afford this right now, but it has to be done. Renting is better than losing a house in this economy, until it sells, which we hope it does in the next year. So, if you are interested in a nice little two bedroom house in Texas, let me know, I'll give you some details!
Anyway, as for polymer claying, well, I have done some things I'm happy with, I just need to finish them by sanding and buffing and polishing. All part of the process. I made some rad Christmas ornaments-in various shapes with phrases on them. Also, I made some "To" and "From" tags in the shape of little Christmas trees and a couple other little shapes. I really like them. I will finish and get pixes as soon as possible when I get back. I'm sure someone else will like them also, at least I hope so!!! LOL! Well, I'll let you guys be the judge of that once they're done...
so for now, take care, and if you are a victim of the hurricanes or know someone who is, please know that you are in my prayers and thoughts and I hope everything turns out for the best.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


OK-I have now finished a ton of buttons and beads! That is to say that I just finished doing several sets (5 buttons per set) of buttons. Some are in the design shown down further in this blog, and some are from a cane which is composed of several canes put together. They are all very pretty-I love how they turned out. I need only sand and polish, which I am in the process of doing. They will then be photographed and put in my Etsy clay shop.
I also am proud of the beads that turned out from the scraps of the buttons. Several are in a "sea-shell" shape, that is, cut from triangular shapes and rolled into a "sea-shell" shape. They turned out quite well. Some are from translucent clay-I put colored powder into the clay, giving it a "floating color" type look. They look like real sea-shells on the beach. Again, the beads need only to be sanded and polished, which will be done after the buttons.
IF anyone wishes to have these very unique and beautiful buttons before they're listed, please convo me at my Etsy shop. I'll quote you a price and we'll go from there. You won't be disappointed! They're very pretty and would make an interesting design on any hand made clothing, or if you collect buttons, these would make great additions to your collection.
Do you know a seamstress or button collector? Think Christmas! If you are interested in Christmasy buttons, that can be arranged also. I'll be doing some Christmas themed buttons and beads soon, once this batch is finished. This batch should be finished this week sometime easily enough.
I also have plans to do some 3x5 "cards"-that is wooden plaques with clay cards on them. Perhaps birthdays, get well, and holiday. If interested in this project NOW, just convo me. I am also going to complete jewelry for girls and women, with sea-shell and sea-life themes. I also may do some "stamps." That is letters stamped into circles or squares of clay. They can be put on envelopes or whatever you desire as "seals" that personalize your things. Again, if anyone is interested in this jewelry NOW, just convo me at my shop. I'll be happy to work something out right now.
This is, after all, a good time to begin Christmas shopping and planning. You know those hard to buy for people on your list? You know, the type that you just want to get the most unique thing for so they will think your gifts are the ultimate? Well, polymer clay is just that! It's unique and beautiful and lasts a long time! It's creative and artistic. It can be utilitarian as well as gorgeous in design-it's full of surprises! It's not as fragile as ceramic, which breaks sooo easily-polymer holds up! I'm not saying to wash polymer buttons in the washer, but the clay is still much more durable in my opinion than ceramic or porcelain items! I've dropped buttons and other polymer clay items on the kitchen floor, and they were just fine-not a scratch on them. Can you say that about ceramic or porcelain? It's doubtful. So why not give polymer clay a try this Christmas, or for someone's birthday, or just because they're a great person? Maybe to a terrific boss or co-worker, or to a special parent or child just because they deserve recognition!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Well, it's that time again! The Olympics are on, and I love all of it! OK, some sports more than others, yes, but in general I love the whole idea! The hate that they are on sooo late at night,
(up to 12:30 am here in AZ), but I do love them. I don't usually stay up that late, so I miss some, but that's OK, I'll take what I can get.
My favorite sports are the gymnastics and swimming. I also like watching the track events. I watch some water polo and volleyball, though those are not my just depends upon whether anything is on TV or not, or what time of day it is and what I have to do!
I am proud of our gymnasts, though they didn't do quite as well as they would have liked. China is going great with 5 gold medals so far in men's gymnastics! But, overall, I think our men and women are going strong.
And, wow, what about that Michael Phelps?! He's quite a phenomenon, huh? I'll bet he's already got endorsement agents knocking on his back-door. That's OK-he deserves it. And he's got mom to keep him in line I'd say!
Being a stay-at-home mom, I have the freedom to watch the daytime activities on the Olympics, as I do house-work or polyclay, but I don't always do that. I just think we are all so privileged in this country of ours (USA) to be able to watch and enjoy the Olympics!
In some ways, when I see all the wonderful things about China and the Chinese symbols put on the Olympics, it makes me think about Chinese food! However, my husband's son and daughter-in-law took us out to a nice Chinese restaurant for our birthdays on the 8th of August (mine is the 4th and his is the 8th)! So we had our fill for awhile you could say.
Well, off to watch some more Olympics, they'll be on soon. What a great combo-watching Olympics and eating dinner!

This is a pendant that I really like-it's on Etsy. Isn't it beautiful? It's on a shop called: She is very talented and makes some terrific things! You should check her out. She has a lot of clever work in her shop, with great prices.
She also works on the Stumbling team with me in my polyclay group called: Polymer Clay Artists Of Etsy Guild ( It's a wonderful, diverse group of clay artists on Etsy to which I belong. I really love it! If you'd like to check it out, go to: and see what the talk is like. I think you'll be impressed!
Well that's it for my shops this week, be sure and check out this artist!

Some Buttons I Made Recently...

Hi everyone! Well, this is an "off-post"-that is not a certain topic really, just a quick mention and some pixes of my new buttons. I made these for a customer because she not only bought two items, but sent me a generous birthday gift. So, these are for her. Two of the buttons, the square-shaped ones with "zebra-stripes", as I call them, were from a cane she made! Aren't they lovely? See what I mean? She sent clay, a few canes, and even a cash gift. She deserves every button and more! I don't have them all photographed-there are several more, trust me!
There are some made from a very complex cane that I made from an instructional book that she sent also. It's a great book! They're leaf shaped and square shaped. I'll try and photograph the cane ASAP. It's the first cane of that sort I've ever made, I mean that complex. Some of the leaf shaped ones were made from scraps of that cane, and turned out really pretty.
I hope you like them,

If you'd like some buttons like the ones on top or the red ones, or the "zebra striped" ones, please contact me by commenting here or at my shop on Etsy. I charge somewhere around
5-7 per set depending on how many is in the set, plus postage, including delivery confirmation.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Some Shops To Visit On Etsy!
That's the shop where you will find that adorable mermaid, and two others right now! Plus, many other "wall hangers!" These are the most wonderful creations, and the cutest things made of polymer clay that I have ever seen! They're all "dancers" that go on your wall, in varying themes. I just love them! How creative an idea this is-check them all out and get one before they're all sold for the Christmas season!

Here is another Etsy shop I highly recommend for shopping now or for Christmas! You can get jewelry there or even clay canes! If you like claying, but are not so good at canes, just buy one here and turn into jewelry yourself-how much fun is that?! Or, just buy jewelry, as in the pix above of this sweet necklace.

Please don't forget my shops:
THANKS for looking at our shops!

Holiday Crafting and Sales!

OK-so, today someone got me thinking about holiday sales. Actually, I was thinking of this the other day too I confess, just haven't gotten to it yet! So, here's the thing (as Monk would say): I REALLY want to cash in on the holiday season, just like any sales person does, but will I make it in time to do so? Well, I certainly hope so! Great answer, huh?
What I mean is that my 8 yr. old daughter, Tamara, is just getting back to school, on August 7th, (a day before her dad's birthday no less-and 3 days after mine-same age too)! So, that means a bit more time for me to do things, craft wise, SLIGHT bit less help in the house, yes, slight bit, like dusting or occasional vacuuming, so no real time threat there (LOL)...but it's also a matter of my health too. The fibromyalgia and spinal arthritis strikes when it wants, or when I bend my neck too much, or am at the computer too much, etc., so that matters too. I hate that! I don't let it
CONTROL my life, but it does affect it, no doubt. It's not something I can ignore.
But beyond that there's the bipolar which affects my moods-sometimes I just don't want to craft.
I love it, don't misunderstand, but there are times when I just don't want to do much of anything, and that is intermixed with the physical health thing too.
But, my enthusiasm is in high spirits. I DO have some cute Christmasy things to sew that I can take pixes of and list if I just get to it, or even turn into cute holiday pillows, as far as the cotton will go anyway. Plus, I am starting to make new things out of clay, like buttons...I love it-it's fun.
Circle, square, even leaf shaped! Not to mention heart shaped!
Now, let's not forget about school-I have thought about this: using erasable Sculpey to make some shapes for the new school season. I figure that kids and even teachers will like them-erasers in fun shapes, like sea life. Why not? Who knows what I may or may not do, we'll see.
I know some see my talking about this health thing as a bummer, a downer, but I see it as real life. I don't like to focus on the negative, but I am a realist, due to harsh, real life that I've lived.
When you've had your child taken from you for a few years, and you barely see her, because you have health issues and take medicine, (plus no lawyer and no money), real life hits you hard. Of course, what a joy to get her back again in my life!
She is part of my love of life and my love of crafts. But my crafting is also part of my therapy if you can understand that. It neutralizes all the negative crap in my life into something wonderful and fun, and brings out the creative part of me.
I am a musician-I play the piano, keyboards including accordion and some organ, and violin. But, at the time I have no instruments and that hurts at times. I long to play! So, claying and sewing help to relieve that hurt, the emotional lack of not playing. I hope that makes sense to you if you're still reading this. When I do these posts, I just free write, so it's whatever comes to me, and I know they get long.
Anyway, if I think of more, I'll be back!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Three Great Etsy Shops I Found To Check Out!

Happy Time Jewelry Box-that is the piece below! Isn't it lovely? It has even been reduced to 25.00 from 45.00! What a great buy! This is at the shop on Etsy called Cookies Creations. What a talented clay artist!

Visit now to find it and other terrific buys!

Here is another shop to check out this week.
Her pieces are very folksy, like rabbits and critters. They're very cool to see-you have to see to get the full gist of them! Here's one example below:

This is a jar (below) done by clay artist Arzumusa ( One of 7 of them. She also makes candle holders, flower pots and other home items that really rock! I love checking out other Etsy clay artists and their work, and this is one artist whose work is astounding to see.
Check it out also! When you do, Stumble ( it for her also and help spread the word!

Since the theme this month for the pcagoe group, I thought it might be interesting to look at what our art would be like without the mediums of TV and theater in our lives? Any comments or ideas about that?
I'd love to hear them, as long as it's clean and decent! Rated no more than PG in other words, and no swear words allowed here.
Think about this-whatever your art or craft-how has TV shows and movies, or just the media in general affected your work, or has it? Do you craft anything to do with movie or TV themes?
I know personally, in my DIY Scene (, many artists do clothing and pendants, jewelry, etc., themed to zombies and living dead type stuff, or the ever-popular skulls and pirates.
Now, I know that comes from TV and movies...they also do things themed toward music groups, another type media, in one respect.
Whether it's a likeness on a clothing article or pendant, or just a generalized theme, I see it everywhere in hand crafted items...what have you noticed or seen in hand crafted items, that you can tell has to do with TV or movies, etc?
Leave your thoughts here...

The New August Challenge!

There's a new challenge at! The theme is: "Show Time!" It's all about movies, TV, art from that know, like, what sorts of media themes inspire your art?
So, anything to do with a TV show or movie, etc., whether it be a location, scene, personality, celebrity, show theme, music to do with shows, whatever, it's eligible for the challenge!
Don't forget to go vote too-it's always the 1-the 3rd of the month. So, during August 1-3 go and vote at! You'll be glad you did-you may even win a prize pack of terrific polymer clay gifts made by our own wonderfully talented artists! Wished I could vote (members aren't allowed to vote)!!! LOL!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The above is the address of an Etsy shop that I really think you should visit and buy from!
Why? Because she does the most awesome dragons you've ever seen, and all from polymer clay!
This is NOT children's play dough or modeling clay, it's the kind of clay that you shape and bake in an oven or kiln and it hardens. Not like plastic, but just hardens into a nice finish.
Anyway, her dragons are absolutely fabulous! And each has a name and back story that goes with it to make it even more fun. And, believe me, they are priced right. It's a great time to start gearing up for Christmas!
These are her own words about her wonderful creations:
"**Elemental Dragons have seven clans within - Forrest, Water, Sky, Celestial, Fire, Earth and Gems. Each has their own personalities.

**What ELSE lives in the forrest???

**PEBBLEONIANs...They are the "listeners" of the Elemental Forrest. Only the best of the best little pebbles are choosen to grow into a Pebbleonian.

**CHERPELLs...A small bird like critter with a very long feather tail (at least it is long for their body size). They have a small golden pad like foot that they can hop with.

**TROLLGONs...Trollish dragonish like critters that enjoy just curling around a tree (although they do OK in the cages also) and just watching what you are doing.

**SNETTLEs...Very small snail like creatures, who make very good pets (for children and adults - great at work). They are easy to care for a little food, water and love and they are good to go. They very much just want a home.

**BOOBALINGs...Small crab like critters that enjoy crawling around, they do need to be caged or you may never see them again. Very curious little ones.

Look for all the accesories to properly care for what ever critter you adopt. All critters will do just fine in any of the habbits that I sell (some of the bigger dragons will not fit in the cages or around a tree).

**MUD HEADs...They are the original dwellers of the forrest. They were stumbled upon not to long ago, so not much is known about the tribe. Information will be giving as it is discovered."

Right now there is even FREE SHIPPING! Wow-can't beat that! Enjoy your visit to the land of dragons and other creatures!

Visit now!

What Would I/We Do Without My/Our Craft?

This is a good question that I'm thinking about! It occurs to me now and again, what I would do without my crafts, so I thought it would make for a good blog discussion.
Well, with NO crafts at all, my life would be far less meaningful, I can tell you that! I mean, don't misunderstand, I am a Christian, so obviously, my Faith in God and He comes first in my life. HE gives my life purpose and meaning.
However, my crafts provide an artistic venue in which to express the creative side of me that I can't get anywhere else, or in any other way. I'm totally convinced that if many people could delve more deeply into crafts or arts, they would be far less tempted to drink or do drugs, or engage in other reckless behaviors. Sure, I know that there is the image of the "tortured soul"
of an artist or writer who must drink or drug to bring out their artistic nature, but I think that is not the norm.
I really believe (I have no scientific studies to back me up) that when we engage in arts and crafts, our brains release pleasurable endorphins-I honestly do! Maybe not, but I choose to believe so!
There is something about the joy of seeing the creation brought to life, when I'm sewing a pillow or something for my daughter, or playing with my polymer clay, that is simply's a sheer joy that comes from deep within. It makes me to believe that God must have felt this way when He made man, and said, "It is good." He was pleased with His creation, and I truly feel that in the image of our maker, we are compelled to create and bring about beauty and enjoyable things. It is simply human nature, as God intended from the beginning.
It is a similar feeling to when I am playing a piano or violin, only that feeling is a little different, hard to describe the differences, except that my emotions tend to surface through the music, whereas while creating, I am in constant awe of how wonderful something can be that I did with my own hands.
I hope that didn't sound vain. I don't mean that my creations are so awesome or perfect, hardly, in fact, I feel very much disqualified in light of many of my peers, especially in polymer claying, I mean simply that I am in awe of the beauty that can come of something so plain and simple in its beginning. Like squares of fabric, or blocks of clay.
I truly think that this is how most of us feel. I know that I can feel poorly, whether emotionally or physically (especially having fibromyalgia and related issues), and when I can break through that by crafting or sewing, I can feel so much better. My spirits are raised much higher.
In summary, I just have to say, I just have to know, that if I had no crafts or arts of ANY kind, I would be less of a human for it, of that I am convinced. I would be less cultured, less patient, less
creative, less giving, and less human.
Then again, wouldn't we all?

Monday, July 14, 2008

How Long Have I Been Crafting?

I thought this would be a great time to mention how long I've been crafting. Basically, as long as I can remember! Even as a kid, I remember loving crafts of all sorts-going to Vacation Bible School, or craft classes in the summer, etc., or just at home. I can recall once when my older brothers had a little "printing press" kit, I just had to have one someday, and eventually I did, and made my own little "paper" (kind of crafty).
When I was just 11 or 12, I tumbled rocks in my tumbler and made necklaces, and also made God's Eyes (back in the early 70s), and sold them at the small town flea market!
The crafting bug continued, and I gradually built up supplies, from discount stores or yard sales, etc., until my stash was going pretty good (with the occasional forced "destash" by my mother)!
My love of sewing began very early as well. I remember when I was 13 in Home Ec, we had the assignment of making an entire outfit. After that, I was in love with sewing, well, if not before!
At the age of 15, I made another outfit! A lot of girls then weren't into sewing, anymore than they are today, I suppose.
I have always enjoyed sewing stuffed animals and such also. When my son was only 2, I made him a stuffed bear, made of green fake fur like material, because that's all I had or could afford at the time (a single mom)! He loved it and name it "Pumpkin"-it's still around somewhere!
So now, I sew pillows like my Grandmother sewed, with pictures stuffed in the front.

As for polymer clay, I think I first began with that in the late 80s, when I discovered it. I made some things and carved them with Xacto knives, using patterns from some books I'd gotten in a punch needle kit a few years earlier (at the state fair).
Then, just as recently as early this year, I decided to pick it up again and reenter the magical world of polymer clay! It's a wonderful world, and I'm glad I decided to come back. I still have pieces from back then, believe it or not, that I renovated, plus new ones I've made recently.
I recently purchased some cane ends from a fellow polymer clay artist (Sandi Lee Designs) and will be using some of those for focal beads to sell, and probably personal use-too pretty not to keep a few for myself!
I have an idea that I'm anxious to try also, as soon as I can, incorporating some 4x5 wooden plaques I got a couple of months ago, an idea that I did several years ago, that I'd like to revisit.
It's all about jewelry storage-we'll see how it goes hopefully. So many ideas in my head-it's hard sometimes to get them in order and make a clear choice! But I must, and I will! And the process will be fun! Thanks for reading, if you did!

Monday, July 7, 2008

What I learned from a failed craft effort...

Well, this is a topic from a group I'm in. That's a tough one, because I have made so many errors in my crafting! (Don't we all)! Anyway, I'm big time into polymer clay right now, so, as I'm learning
the processes of claying, and there are many. When I attempted my first "tin," that is to say, you take a mint tin, or small tin, and put clay on it and bake, it was something! My first one was round, (no hinges) and not "too bad" but it is bulky, because I put clay in the bottom of the tin, to cover the brand words! Not my best work, but it was my first. I put butterflies on the side and bottom, and rolled beads on top.

My second tin was for my niece, and geez, I tried it alone without the tute, and the lid wouldn't shut-I had put too much clay up against the hinges! I scraped some off, still wouldn't completely shut, but it would lay down anyway! I put "sea shells" (from a mold) on it all along the top edge.
I painted along where I scraped off the clay.
She like it a lot (it was for her 12th birthday). I don't have it here to show.
So, I truly learned to pay attention to tutes when starting a new project I'm not familiar with!
I soo want to make a beautiful cane, like a butterfly one, but they look so hard-who knows, maybe next! First though, I have to make a couple necklaces, as other late presents for my niece, before she goes back to Prescott Valley. She is staying with us in Tucson for a month. She's leaving next week, so I have to hurry!
Good luck on your next craft adventure!

A Terrific Etsy Shop Worth Seeking

This is a link to a very cool Etsy shop. This woman makes some extremely wonderful looking polymer clay items. Her jewelry is absolutely exquisite! If you have never been to Etsy, visit this shop first and enjoy the view there! You'll love it...
On a personal note, when I first joined my clay group on Etsy, PCAGOE (, this wonderful woman sent me a box of claying items, AND a pasta machine for my claying, for the mere postage of it! How generous. I could never have afforded them without this aid, believe me!
So, I ask that you help me repay her by going to her site and buy something.
Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hi all!
It's time to do the monthly PCAGOE challenge! That is the clay group I am in, and proudly so.
There are less this month, so it's easier to choose. The theme is "Personal Hero." Each entrant interpreted that in their own way, so there are a variety of themes in there! It's quite interesting really. I sure wish I could vote, but I'm a member and can't-LOL!
If you vote and win, you just may win a prize, so it's worth it for sure. You would get a cool assembly of clay items made by our members. Just for voting (if you win that is). It's so easy to do too...just go to
and it is right there on the front page.
We are now experimenting with color changes on the page. It is white but may change. How do you like it? You can always contact the administrators and let them know if you do or don't, but of course be nice about it if you do! They do a wonderful job I think, with the web site, don't they?

Now in other matters, I am soooo happy that I finally finished a couple of necklaces with my polymer pieces AND improved my photos on my shop. YES, they need changing and upgrading, but wow, they are sooo much better! I have heard that perhaps I should use white paper or light colored paper as a background and I'm thinking of doing that, with outdoor lighting.
OR, since I have no colored paper on hand, and no budget at the moment, perhaps I'll take some
watercolor pencils and do a light wash on a couple sheets to use. Maybe a swirl or two, nothing distracting though.
If anyone would like to comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, be nice of course!
I only have a 2.1 Mg. camera right now, and it is the best I can do until more funds come in, which may be, please understand that part of it all.
PLUS, if you go there to check those out, check out my Thunderbird necklace. I made the actual Thunderbird piece some time ago, but just made the necklace with it a few days ago. It was fun too. I made the other necklace, the cameo, at my parent's house while visiting a couple of weeks ago. It's a choker, as it's only about 13" in length, but fits my neck, or a teen's neck would be fine also.
I have a SLEW full of sea shells and other water critters that I made, and beads to match, that I still need to string up for sale. I'm going to make two each for my niece(12-she's visiting us for a month), and my daughter (8). They are going to model them for me. That will be fun.
I'd better hurry though-she'll only be here another couple weeks, or less!
We're going to bead tomorrow after their chores are done-what a blast that should be! I'm actually going to let them use some of my polymer clay. I say that because I am limited, though I'm expecting about 4 pounds of scrap clay, plus a couple cane ends from a member in my group, that sold them to me really cheap, at cost really. That was sweet and a true blessing! So I know I have more coming. I hope they come soon! They were mailed a few weeks ago, wow, the Post Office is getting slow lately! Oh well...
So, that's enough for now, if anyone sees this! LOL!
SO, go vote and see my shop here, and leave comments on what you think about what I'm planning for my photos...etc...

My other shop (Grandma's Pillows Plus may not work at the time as I cannot pay the fees. I racked up too many show cases! Learned the hard way.
It may though. If you want to buy something from there and can't, please convo me there or at my other shop, and I'll just list it in the other shop for purchase! I'll even give you a 10% off discount for the trouble! In fact I'm offering 15% off everything in that shop anyway, and 10% off anything in the Plumuniq shop. So, see if you like it, and wait for the redone invoice. Oh, just to remind me (I get forgetful at times) just put 10% off in the seller's notes.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June Going Fast!

Wow-June is still here, but nearly over. Well, ended up buying traditional socks for Father's Day for dad, and a T-shirt for Rick, oh well! Gave in to commercialism, instead of claying for them, but as I said before, men ARE hard to clay for, if you don't do sculptures. Which I don't. Some in our clay group do them wonderfully, like Lynn's Little Creations.
Well, hate to say this, but I am sooo quickly losing inspiration in claying. I love it still, don't misunderstand. It's just that Rick is still insistent that Etsy and any handcrafts won't sell and pay off, and my "little hand made things" won't make money enough. It's discouraging.
I need disability, and have tried twice. Denied twice. I've been told that you need to try over and over. That sucks. I'm calling lawyers today. It doesn't help when he talks about moving to Cal. You HAVE to be in one area for at least long enough to get on it, to GET on it, not moving around, or they will cancel the case. I KNOW that as a fact. If not, leave a comment and tell me.
So, you make more there, you pay more too. I love my state of AZ. It's very diverse, and pretty.
Cal sucks in my opinion with their crazy 9th Circuit Court ruling things like that parents don't have the right to educate their own children in their own way? What? Given that Cal is the lowest state on the testing ranks, that is STUPID! The Judge that ruled that needs to go back to school in my humble opinion! How low is that to rule that? What an idiot Judge! Not the first idiot Judge there either. And that's one thing they're doing...
Anyway, my hand crafts are therapeutic for me too, not just for money, if possible. So, I need them in my life. He doesn't get that. Rick doesn't do much in the way of hobbies, though I bought him some leather stuff for Christmas. Well, he does play Solitaire on the computer. That's about it.
He doesn't get how much time goes into doing crafts and pictures and Etsy, etc. Upkeep on Etsy is easy when you don't sale much, like me, but there are things like reading articles on Etsy or wherever or tutorials to learn better techniques, etc. Learning photo tips, etc.
Just I'm just venting. But I need to. So, if anyone reads this and has a hubby or boyfriend or whatever, who is like that, leave a comment...I'm sure we'll understand. It sucks when they don't get it, huh? That's why I like my handcraft groups on Etsy. They get it.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Well, it's June already! Wow-time is flying this year! Anyway, we just ended our latest Polymer
Clay monthly challenge. What a great selection! Check it out at! A couple winners
got some very nice packages lucky they are!
I have a poll on polymer clay items. Just a fun poll on who likes what in polymer clay. You don't even have to make the stuff, just like looking at it! And, it has multiple choices. Please participate!

On the home front, things are usual. Except that I am working on a Father's Day gift for both dad and Rick. Probably pens-men are hard to clay for I think (I have no cuff link forms), and maybe a tin-who knows? My 8 yr. old daughter is anxious to make dad a ton of cute little crafts found in
Highlights For Kids magazine! Guess who gets to help her this week, yep- me!
It will be fun, I'm sure...I told him to act surprised and ecstatic this coming Sunday! He will...
Oh, and making something for my niece, who turns 12 on Friday, June 13. Ha, ha, good thing we're not superstitious or anything! I'm going to make her a tin with sea shells on it (already started) and a necklace with sea shells and some aquatic life, and beads. I KNOW she'll like them both, especially being from Aunt Pam.
They live in the same state, so it get there by 3 days at the most, hopefully! May be a day late, but she'll understand.
Other than that, I have a LOT of sanding, buffing and polishing to do on ALL the beads and
sea shells and cameos and other things I made...

Oh, on the NON polymer clay front. This is funny. Last night (Sunday-June 8th), Rick and Tamara found a white rat running around outside. By itself. We asked the neighbors and no one had a clue where it came from. Of course Tamara wants to keep it. It's domestic, you can tell because he lets you pet him. I had rats as a kid and teenager, and mice as an adult!
So, I scooped him up and pet him, until Tamara and the apartment kids were comfortable doing so as was fun!
We put sand in a painting bucket (from the volleyball court) and food and water, and poor thing just chowed down! He was one hungry little rat! Gave him a bath today-he didn't like that much, I can tell you! I don't blame him either. Well, I have a bathroom to clean now..!
Thanks for tuning in,

Friday, May 2, 2008

Go to: and vote for the May challenge for the group by May 3rd!

OK-everyone, I am now officially a member of the PCAGOE polymer clay artists group on Etsy.
I couldn't be more thrilled! I've been wanting to join this group, and finally got the dues money!
Yeah! I love the medium.. I like sewing yes, but kind of look at the pillows like more a way for
extra "bigger" money, like a job as it were. An enjoyable job, yes, but a job. The clay is my play
and for extra money, hopefully. I want to do jewelry, and other things. I once made some polymer
necklace holders in the shape of roses, I want to do those and others again. They have a new
Sculpey, which is erasable! Yes, you make erasers of this stuff! So, some time when I have more
money to buy extra stuff like that, I'd love to make some for kids in fun kid shapes...
just explore different polymer projects is what I really want to do. I have found so many great
tutorials now, with the help of my new friends at PCAGOE! I love the art of caning-it's so
I know one thing-eventually I need a pasta maker! Can't wait! I always thought I needed one, just didn't know it would be for clay purposes!! LOL!!!
I made an entry for the May challenge, just in the nick of time with a piece I had just completed
recently with my last bit of good clay. The rest is dried out. But my cell phone does poor pixes,
so it does not look so good! I am working on getting a better camera (digital), it won't be the
greatest quality, but as long as it does close-up enough to see the item without blur it will have to do for the time being.
It is more important to me right now to get clay supplies. I need tools and textures and powders and all those great things. A little at a time of course.
I have been invited to write for the newsletter-how exciting! I am going to do a "research" project. Sort of like a "see it through the eyes of a beginner learning a new technique" sort of
approach. This way I learn a new technique, and get to share the results with everyone! Maybe
I'll discover some new, cool thing, huh, wouldn't that be awesome! LOL!
I was blown away to see that there is a whole encyclopedia for nothing but polymer clay, probably more than one I'm sure! Wow! What a medium-can you tell I'm passionate about it!
Can't wait to get some clay and get going. (A clay sale at Michael's this Sunday I heard).
Well, that's enough for now, plenty enough. Hope you enjoyed this. I will endeavor to do better
with pixes and links from now on, promise!
See how blurry my challenge piece is? Sigh. It is supposed to be a rose on a heart stick. Oh well.
The blue piece is one I did awhile back, but never painted it, so I painted it recently and added
the glitter, it's fabric glitter. I like that because it's fine grade.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Well, after having the flu for 2 weeks in March, I got way behind! Having fibromyagia, it makes the flu worse and last longer! Ugghhh! Anyway, I finally got my pink background with yellow skulls and aces cards pillow done! Whoo! It looks good. I put metallic thread and bright fashion pink thread for top-stitching all around ALL the pictures. PLUS, ALL the yellow skulls are stuffed.
A lot are stuffed! I wasn't going to stuff that many at first, but wanted it to look really good. It has a cool purple lace trim around it. Well, my husband and 8 year old daughter really like it, but like most all my pillows! My daughter wants to keep them all! She already has two, and the collection will grow, I'm sure!
I am charging 49.95, though I put a LOT of hours into it.
I sure hope someone sees it that really likes it, as much as my family, if not more!!! Someone who will pay that is!

I have some extra left-over scrap material from it that I am highly thinking of turning into a really mini-pillow, or a pin-cushion. Probably the pin-cusion, or maybe two. Maybe that would sell. After all, it is Grandmas Pillows PLUS, not just pillows!
As for my other Etsy site, Plumuniq Pretties Plus, nothing has sold. It needs more promotion though. I need business cards and other promo materials, but need money for those! I know a
few people who would hand them out, but I can't afford them yet. I still need to get more cotton!

First priority is for to go see my son in a couple of weeks. That will take some gas. He lives about 5 hours away, and with gas prices and eating there and back, well...cotton and biz cards will have to wait. His birthday is April 20, TODAY, and he is 21!!! I am so proud of him and my daughter, just because they are who they are. I miss him, and of course also in that little town
are my parents, younger brother and his two kids, that have been near me since their birth, 9 and 11 years ago.
I have been in Tucson now since around September of 07, reunited with my x. Our daughter is sure happy about that, and so am I! We may not stay here, not sure. Depends upon what happens when his house in Texas sells. Depends upon where he can get better work. I wish we could move back to Prescott Valley, where my family is, and where it's about 12 degrees
cooler! Beautiful mountains too, but oh well. This is priority right now.
That's all for now...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Post For An Assignment For Trade-A-Holics

HI. This post is NOT about me or my stuff, but about someone else and THEIR stuff!
This is an assignment for a group I belong to on etsy (names given after the post).

This "youngish" person likes pirates I'd have to say, and no doubt so does her little boy and husband.
She has some very cute things on her shop. I think they are high quality, especially with the
time she has to make them, considering she works outside her home, in the field of accounting.

She lives in Denver, Co, where I bet it is still cold! Unlike here in Tucson, where REALLY cold is a foreign concept (I'm finding out in my 7 months here)! I envy this person for the snow she
must have-I miss that!

"Loving you is semi-sweet" or so it says on one of her hand mades! What a cute concept-an
altered package on something I personally love, a Cadbury bar!
I could use one of those gift card holders, believe me, to help me organize myself! Hmmm...organizing, that is also a goal of THIS person as well!
So is being able to put more time into her etsy shop. I do hope she sells lots of stuff so can quit her job and do that, as I am thinking she could probably be happy to stay at home and do nothing but etsy (judging from her blog)! I understand that!
I don't consider myself a "rock star" or even close, but oh that sweet little "sweet cuff" in her shop is so divine! Totally awesome, girl!
And of course, being a musician, I do like the altered music composition book!
This very tactful person is admittedly a good employee (and I believe it too)! She likes making things for her family, like the photo frame for her husband. She reminds me of myself, in that she thinks she takes longer to do things than planned (hello-I hear that)!
But the results look very nice on the shop I think!
She also enjoys photography, with an apparently new camera for Christmas. Hey, I think the photos are great, especially the trees and that beautiful sky! ( It reminds me of an AZ
Well, I need to catch up on my correspondence to friends and family, so some of that luscious looking green neon notepaper would be grand for the job, or the hotpink! Love those colors!
Or, for all you skulls and crossbones fans out there, lots of stuff for you too, like journals and
altered notebooks-so cute and nifty! And, hey, even I can afford those! (Just as soon as I pay off my etsy fees that is)!
This loving mom and wife says she wants to lose 30 pounds this year (I get that alright)! Well, keep up the good work on your things, and that will work off the calories!

I look forward to the many more original items to come from this wonderful seller, named
Amanda, from her shop, named: Check it out!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thoughts About Pricing Handcrafted Items

Hi. Pam here. Anyone out there who sees this care to comment on pricing in handcrafted items?
I've been told 2 -3 x the cost of material to make up for time put in...any agreements, disagreements? Successful pricing stories wanted now!

Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to my blog! This is all new to me, so this will be fun!
Please visit my page to see my stuff and what groups I belong to and let me know what groups you belong to there or anywhere!

It is:

I love! Sure puts eBay to shame in my opinion. I mean eBay fees are WAY too high-they gouge you on picture fees, if it runs 10 days, according to price, etc., where only charges .20 per iem to list for 4 month's duration, AND 5 pixes for each item included with the .20! WOW!
And the teams are so great!