Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cooking Today + My Clay Ornaments

Hi. Someone commented that it sounds as though I get serious migraines. I DO. However, I use Imitrex and sometimes samples of Trimitex from my doctor. I'm only in trouble if I run out of my Imitrex which happened a couple days before Halloween. My hubby's daughter-in-law took my daughter tick-or-treating, with her son, so thankfully that worked out OK. I have enough Imitrex to get through tomorrow too (Thanksgiving) so I'm good, then I get more on Friday, thankfully! I'll probably need it after cooking today.
Yes, I'm cooking today. I decided to clean the frig. out today, then do the main dishes, like potatoes and dressing, etc., because I don't want to have to do it all on Thanksgiving day. Plus I plan to watch the Macy's Day parade this year, and NOT miss it like usual! We have no recorder so I have to catch it live. I plan to for sure this year! Besides, we're only doing the basics this year as far as dinner is concerned. Not a ton of dishes, just the basic Thanksgiving fare, that will make it easier. Rick always makes "Pink Stuff" as we call it (fancy name, huh?), it is just cottage cheese and whipped cream with cherry jello. Our almost 9 year old daughter loves it. So do I. We may get a Marie Callender's chocolate pie too, as they are on sale, instead of making one, not sure yet. Everything else is easy fix-like gravy, cranberry sauce, the usual side I'm set.

Now, as for my crafts-my Christmas ornaments. Well, I put on a new varnish I had never used before and apparently put a bit too much! So, after 2 days they're still drying! Geez, I won't do that again! But they're dry enough to get shots of, which I hope to begin today and post a few on my Etsy shop. It's a start at least now that it's only a month til Christmas. We put the tree up early this year-it's already up! It's just a four-foot fake tree that Rick had bought a couple years ago, but it will do. We left it partly undone, so I can hang my ornaments on and take shots of them on it. Then we'll finish it. There's plenty of time to finish it, so no worries there.
Well, that's enough for one post. Thanks for reading and dropping!


  1. Hi Pam- buy the pie- it is actually better to eat pie that you did not have to make. I hate cooking, so any chance I get to get around it I do. I am not even shopping this year for groceries, my husband just left with our daughter to get the food. YAY

  2. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like you have the food all set..I hope you don't get a migraine!
