Friday, September 19, 2008

On To Texas For A Few Days!

Well, it's been awhile since posting, but this must be quick as I'm preparing to go to Texas. I know after that hurricane that probably sounds a bit quirky, but this is nowhere near that area. It's near San Angelo-actually, it's Robert Lee, a little tiny town in the middle of nowhere'sville!
We have furniture we have to remove from a house before tenants move in, and things in storage to retrieve, so thus the journey begins. We really can't afford this right now, but it has to be done. Renting is better than losing a house in this economy, until it sells, which we hope it does in the next year. So, if you are interested in a nice little two bedroom house in Texas, let me know, I'll give you some details!
Anyway, as for polymer claying, well, I have done some things I'm happy with, I just need to finish them by sanding and buffing and polishing. All part of the process. I made some rad Christmas ornaments-in various shapes with phrases on them. Also, I made some "To" and "From" tags in the shape of little Christmas trees and a couple other little shapes. I really like them. I will finish and get pixes as soon as possible when I get back. I'm sure someone else will like them also, at least I hope so!!! LOL! Well, I'll let you guys be the judge of that once they're done...
so for now, take care, and if you are a victim of the hurricanes or know someone who is, please know that you are in my prayers and thoughts and I hope everything turns out for the best.

1 comment:

  1. Hope your trip to Texas goes well Pam and that you get everything sorted that you need to.

    Have a good trip!

